Journal Publications

Sultan S, Zaki M, Alawy M, ElKassaby M. Aortic and inferior vena cava bifurcated stent graft application in the endovascular management of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm with an aortocaval fistula. J Vasc Surg. 2014 Dec;60(6):1665-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jvs.2014.07.095. Epub 2014 Nov 21. PubMed PMID:25454109.

Book Chapters

Sultan S, Sultan M, Hynes N. Early mid-term results of the first 103 cases of multilayer flow modulator stent done under indication for use in the management of thoracoabdominal aortic pathology from the independent global MFM registry. Current Development sin T/EVAR. Setacci C(ed.) 2014 Edizioni Minerva Medica. Torino, Italy. ISBN-13 978-88-7711-796-0

Abstract Publications

Hynes N, Sultan M, Sultan S.  TCT-565 Lessons Learned From Application of the Multilayer Flow Modulator Device Outside the Indications in Patients With Thoracoabdominal Pathologies. J Am Coll Card 2014; 64(11): B164-B165

Sultan S, Bonneau M, Kavanagh EP, Kang C, Alves A, Hynes N. TCT-439 Assessment of Biocompatibility of the Multilayer Flow Modulator with Varying Thread Numbers. J Am Coll Card 2014; 64(11): B128-B129

Sultan S, Kavanagh EP, Alves A, Hynes N. TCT-446 Treatment of Rabbit Aneurysms with the Intracranial Multilayer Flow Modulator. J Am Coll Card 2014; 64(11): B131.

Sultan S, Kavanagh EP, Bonneau M, Kang C, Hynes TCT-451 Treatment of Porcine Aneurysm Models with The Multilayer Flow Modulator J Am Coll Card 2014; 64(11): B132.

Sultan S, Kavanagh EP, Alves A, Hynes N.TCT-457 Endothelialization of the Multilayer Flow Modulator versus Single-Layer Arterial Stents. J Am Coll Card 2014; 64(11): B134.

Sultan S, Sultan M, Hynes N. When not to use the Multilayer Flow Modulator: lessons learned from using it outside indications for use in 38 cases CardioVasc Intervent Radiol 2014;37(2): Supplement, 285

Sultan S, Kavanagh EP, Diethrich EB, Hynes N. Functionality and biological response of the Multilayer Flow Modulator implanted in the abdominal aorta of adult miniature swine. Aorta J 2014;2(S1):70

Hynes N, Sultan M, Sultan S. Lessons learned from using the multilayer fluid modulator outside of indications for use in 38 cases Aorta J 2014;2(S1):83

Sultan S, Kavanagh EP, Bonneau M, Kang C, Hynes N. Evaluation of the multilayer flow modulator in aneurysm repair using porcine animal models. Aorta J 2014;2(S1):134

Sultan S, Kavanagh EP, Bonneau M, Kang C, Alves A, Hynes N. Changes in thread design of the multilayer flow modulator and the effects on biocompatibility. Aorta J 2014;2(S1):136

Sultan S, Kavanagh EP, Bonneau M, Kang C, Alves A, Hynes N. Endothelization kinetics of multilayer versus single layer intra-arterial stents. Aorta J 2014;2(S1):137

Sultan S, Hynes N, Kavanagh EP. In Vivo Study of Multilayer Flow Modulator Stents and Their Delivery System in Porcine Aneurysm Models. Vasc Med 2014;19(3):221-243. doi:10.1177/1358863X14533477

Sultan S, Hynes N, Kavanagh EP. Study of Endothelialisation Kinetics of Single Versus Multilayer Arterial Stents. Vasc Med 2014;19(3):221-243. doi: 10.1177/1358863X14533477

Sultan S, Hynes N, Kavanagh EP. In Vivo Assessment of the Biocompatibility and Thread Number of Multilayer Stents. Vasc Med 2014;19(3):221-243. doi: 10.1177/1358863X14533477