Limerick, March 2012. Sylvester O’Halloran Surgical Meeting,

Contrast induced nephropathy and Chronic Kidney Disease (CIN/CKD) as a consequence of utilising non ionic isoosmolar contrast media (IOCM) versus Low-Osmolar Contrast Media (LOCM) following lower extremity endovascular revascularisation (EvR): A 5 years parallel group observational study

Technical superiority and clinical excellence of Duplex Ultrasound Arterial Mapping (DUAM) vs Magnetic Resonance Angiogram (MRA), as the sole imaging modality in Bypass Surgery (BS) and Endovascular Revascularisation (EvR) For Critical Lower Ischemia (CLI) patients. 6 years comparative study in a tertiary referral vascular centre

The effects of normalising hyperhomocysteinemia on operative outcome in patients undergoing intervention for peripheral vascular disease

Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 2012, American College of Surgeons Annual Clinical Congress

Disruptive Endovascular Technology with Multilayer Flow Modulator Stents (MFM) as a Therapeutic Option in the Management of Thoraco-abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Early Results form the Global Independent MFM Registry

London, UK, October 2012, The London Cardiovascular Symposium 2012, the Royal Society of Medicine 

Spontaneous Aortic rupture due to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Associated Vasculitis: A Case I wish Ii Hadn’t done

Endovascular Management of Multiple Aneurysms secondary to Hyper-eosinophilia Syndrome

Subacute anterior spinal cord ischaemia with lower limb paraplegia in a patient with thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm

Washington D.C., USA, June 2012, Society for Vascular Surgery Annual Meeting. 

Multilayer Flow Modulator Stents (MFM) as a Therapeutic Option in the Management of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms

Houston, Texas, USA, April 2012, The Houston Aortic Summit

Paradigm Shift in Ruptured AAA (RAAA) Management: Twelve Years Experience in a Tertiary Referral Centre of Endovascular Repair of RAAA(REVAR) Vs. Open Repair (OR)

Cool Excimer Laser Assisited Angioplasty (CELA) VS Tibial Balloon Angioplasty (TBA) in Management of Infragenicular Tibial Arterial Occlusion in Critical Lower Limb Ischaemia (CLI) TASC DE. A Pivotal Observational Analogy Congregate Proportional Analysis over 48 months. “Six L Trial"

New York, USA, November 2012, Veith Symposium, 39th Annual Symposium on Vascular & Endovascular Issues 

Local Hyperbaric O2 to Heal Refractory Venous Ulcers

With TAAAs, Does The Multilayer Stent Promote Aneurysm Sac Shrinkage And Prevent Rupture: What Is The Evidence

DEBATE: Statins May Be Harmful And Should Be Used Less

Shanghai, China, October 2012, Endovascology 2012

Multilayer Flow Modulator for the Management of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Repair

London, UK, October 2012, The London Cardiovascular Symposium 2012, the Royal Society of Medicine 

How should mycotic aortic aneurysms be managed?

Siena, Italy, September 2012, Endovascular Therapy International (ETI) & Adriatic Vascular Summit (AVS)

Irish Trial Of CLI Patients With TASC II Type C/D Lesions Undergoing Subintimal Angioplasty (SIA) Or Bypass Surgery (BG) Based On Plaque Echolucency

Houston, Texas, USA, April 2012, The Houston Aortic Summit        

TAAA Using Multilayered Uncovered Stents

Miami, Florida, USA, March 2012, ISVS Congress, International Society for Endovascular Specialists.

A Four-Year Study of Eximer Laser & PTA for Tibial Intervention

Refractory Venous Ulcers Can Be Treated Successfully with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, February 2012, iCON 2012, International Congress for Endovascular Specialists.

Multilayer Flow Modulator for the Management of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Repair

Miami, Florida, USA, January 2012.  International Society of Endovascular Therapy, ISET 2012

Thoracic Acute Aortic Syndrome. An early Ezperience with De-branching Chimney techniques and Multi-layer Stenting

Paris, France, January 2012. CACVS 2012 Controversies and Updates in Vascular Surgery

Can we select subintimal angioplasty or bypass by duplex scan?


Miami, Florida, USA, October 2012. TCT 2012, Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics

Contemporary comparison of the Paradigm Shift in Rupture AAA Management; Twelve years experience in a tertiary referral centre of Endovascular repair of RAAA(REVAR) vs open repair (OR)

Disruptive Endovascular Technology with Multilayer Flow Modulator Stents (MFM) as a Therapeutic Option in the Management of Thoraco-abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Early results from MFM Registry.

Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 2012, American College of Surgeons Annual Clinical Congress

Technical Superiority and Clinical excellence of Duplex Ultrasound Arterial Mapping (DUAM) VS Magnetic Resonance Angiogram (MRA), as the sole imaging modality in bypass surgery (BS) and Endovascular Revascularisation (EvR) for Critical Lower Limb Ischaemia (CLI) patients; 6 years comparative study in a tertiary referral vascular centre.

The effects of normalizing hyperhomocysteinaemia on operative outcome in patients undergoing intervention for peripheral vascular disease

Washington D.C., USA, June 2012, SVS Annual Meeting, Society of Vascular Surgery

Technical Superiority and Clinical excellence of Duplex Ultrasound Arterial Mapping (DUAM) VS Magnetic Resonance Angiogram (MRA), as the sole imaging modality in bypass surgery (BS) and Endovascular Revascularisation (EvR) for Critical Lower Limb Ischaemia (CLI) patients; 6 years comparative study in a tertiary referral vascular centre.

Houston, Texas, USA, April 2012, The Houston Aortic Summit

Paradigm Shift in Ruptured AAA (RAAA) Management; Twelve years experience in a tertiary referral centre of Endovascular (REVAR) VS Open Repair (OR).

Cool Excimer Laser Assisited Angioplasty (CELA) VS Tibial Balloon Angioplasty (TBA) in Management of Infragenicular Tibial Arterial Occlusion in Critical Lower Limb Ischaemia (CLI) TASC DE. A Pivotal Observational Analogy Congregate Proportional Analysis over 48 months. “Six L Trial"

Technical Superiority and Clinical excellence of Duplex Ultrasound Arterial Mapping (DUAM) VS Magnetic Resonance Angiogram (MRA), as the sole imaging modality in bypass surgery (BS) and Endovascular Revascularisation (EvR) for Critical Lower Limb Ischaemia (CLI) patients; 6 years comparative study in a tertiary referral vascular centre.

Prevalence of Malignancy post AAA Repair: An eight years comparative longitudinal study of EVAR vs open Repair (OR) in a tertiary referral university vascular centre.

Para millennium high risk AA saga: A Clinical Dilemma but it is not a major concern for the endovascular specialist! Thoraco-abdominal Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (TEVAR) in the management of Acute Aortic Syndrome (AAS). An Early Experience with De-branching, Chimney Techniques and Multi-layer Stenting.

Disruptive Endovascular Technology with Multi-layer Flow Modulator Stents (MFM) as a Therapeutic option in the Management of Thoraco-abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Early Results from the MFM Registry.

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, March 2012, Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery 40th Annual Symposium.

Paradigm Shift in Ruptured AAA (RAAA) Management; Twelve years experience in a tertiary referral centre of Endovascular (REVAR) VS Open Repair (OR).

Scottsdale, Arizona, February 2012. iCON 2012, International Congress for Endovascular Specialists, February 2012, Scottsdale Arizona, USA.

Mid- to Long-term Experience of Clinical Efficacy and Cost Per Quality-Adjusted Life-Years With Pararenal Endovascular Aortic Repair (PEVAR) Without Fenestration for Pararenal AAA Compared With Open Surgical Repair.

CACVS Controversies and updates in vascular surgery, January 2012, Paris, France

Primary non-synthetic AVFs: Are proximal AVF access procedures superior to distal access interventions? A 5 years experience

Miami, Florida, January 2012. International Society of Endovascular Therapy, ISET 2012

Paradigm Shift in Ruptured AAA (RAAA) Management; Twelve Years Experience in a Tertiary Referral Center.

Duplex Ultrasound vs MRA, as Sole Imaging Modality for Critical Lower Ischemia. 6 Years Comparative Study.

Para Millennium High Risk AAA Saga: A Clinical Dilemma but Is Not a Major Concern for the Endovascular Specialist.

Thoracic Acute Aortic Syndrome. An Early Experience with De-Branching, Chimney Techniques and Multi-Layer Stenting.