Padova Italy, June 2016. VIP Vascular International Padova Congress "Europe meets Asia"

The death of Stem cell theraphy in Critical limb ischemia. Why we arerepeating all the trials again tryng to get a different outcome!”

London UK, April 2016, Charing Cross international Vascular Symposium 2016

Systematic Review and individual patient level meta-analysis of Streamliner Multilayer Flow Modulator in the management of complex thoracoabdominal aortic pathology.

Systematic Review and individual patient level meta-analysis of Streamliner Multilayer Flow Modulator in the management of complex thoracoabdominal aortic pathology.

Dragons’ Den innovation showcase: Stem Cell Delivery Catheter

Washington D.C., USA, Society for Vascular SurgeryAnnual Meeting, June 2016

Endovascular Management of Chronic Symptomatic Aortic Dissection (CSAD) With the Streamliner Multilayer Flow Modulator (SMFM): 12-Month Outcomes from the Global Registry.

LINC 2016, Leipzig Interventional Course, Leipzig, Germany, January 2016

Endovascular Management of Chronic Symptomatic Aortic Dissection (CSAD) with the Streamliner Multilayer Flow Modulator (SMFM) 12-Month Outcomes From the Global Registry

Endovascular management of severe peripheral artery disease by smart stem cell delivery technology